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The Facts About Bathtub Plumbing Explained

Learning About Bathtub Plumbing

The modern home is typically equipped with at least one bathtub. Every homeowner should know the inner-workings of their bathroom plumbing, in case anything ever goes wrong. Or, more specifically, their bathtub plumbing. Most people don’t pay much attention to their bathtub as long as it’s clean and draining properly. However, sometimes it requires more attention and knowing how the plumbing works could potentially save money in damages in the end. 

Basic Information About Your Plumbing System as a Whole

a plumber working

Plumbing systems rely on three things to function: 

  • Clean pipes
  • Water
  • Gravity

A plumbing system might seem intricate because of how many pipes it requires, but at its core, it has a rather simplistic functionality

Technically speaking, every plumbing system is made up of two separate subsystems. One takes out the waste, while the other brings in fresh new water. The secret behind an efficient plumbing system is the amount of pressure backing it. Each home supplies the system with pressure every time a toilet flushes. The water that comes into the home is also under pressure. This pressure allows the new water to make it up to multiple story homes and buildings’ bathrooms. 

Each time the toilet is flushed, the wastewater makes its way to the water treatment plant. Once the impurities are removed from the water, they are cycled back into the plumbing system and the home. 

A Closer Look at Your Bathroom

a clean bathroom

When it comes to plumbing, the bathroom is the most important room in the house. In a full bathroom, there is usually a sink, toilet, shower/bathtub and occasionally a few luxurious bonus features that require plumbing, like a jacuzzi. Each appliance requires both subsystems, the water supply and drain-waste-vent. It’s also expected to work flawlessly in the most efficient manner with little to no leaks or clogs. 

The water supply comes into the home from the freshwater source and straight into the water heater. Once there, the water heater splits it into two paths. One is for hot water and the other for cold. 

When one part of the plumbing system is compromised, the added stress can cause other areas to compromise or fail. It is all connected, which is why proper care is crucial. 

The Specific Parts That Make Up Bathtub Plumbing

A plumbing system might seem simple in functionality, but it requires a trained professional to install, repair and replace pipes properly. One wrong move could mess up the entire system, so installing bathtub plumbing should only be done by a trained professional, regardless of the type of tub. Everything must be installed in the correct place at the precisely right angle to work efficiently. 

a plumber working

Some things required for the standard bathtub/shower combo plumbing system are: 

  • The waste and overflow pipes are connected to the main drain-waste-vent pipe
  • There’s another set of pipes connected to the water supply pipe
  • This pipe splits three ways
    • Hot water valve
    • Cold water valve
    • bathtub/shower valve
  • Then the water flows through to the bathtub spout or showerhead
  • Finally, the water makes its way down the drain and out of the home

If a bathtub is a jacuzzi with jets, there are a few other plumbing details involved. 

Four common types of bathtub piping are:

  • Brass
  • Plastic
  • ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic)

There are also emergency shut-off valves and other small parts to the system, but all in all, that is essentially how a bathtub is set up. With this information in hand, homeowners will make better decisions regarding their bathroom plumbing.

A River City Plumbing Is There for You

A River City Plumbing is a dependable and trustworthy plumbing company in Post Falls, ID. They are there when homeowners need them most for plumbing services, no matter the time of day or night! Check out their website for coupons!